
Update: Sleep, friends, and school

I knew that I spoke too soon. Sleeping through the night has happened about 5 times. Non-consecutively for the most part. UGH. Oh well, in a few WEEKS, I'll be home and can nap in the afternoon with her if necessary!

We have continued to feed her various cereals with moderate success. Jolie loves to hold her spoon and feed herself (with me guiding it into her mouth). It's quite adorable and alarming at the same time- She's growing up so quickly. She also likes to sip water from my cup, although Matt thinks she just wants something hard to chomp on, our poor little teether!

Jolie has truly discovered her feet. At every change, she nibbles on them and pulls off her socks. I think that has been my favorite feat of hers thus far!

Two weeks ago, Jolie met Jimmy and Ryan, Jim and Beth's boys. Here they are:

We stayed in Harrisburg with them. For the most part, Jolie was very well behaved, although she did try to eat Jimmy. (See below)
He didn't seem to mind, but Jolie needs to learn some manners! We also got to meet baby Colin, Joe and Katie's little boy. We wonder which will be her future boyfriend! The boys are so tiny, but in good health and cute cute cute!

Finally, last week, Jolie came to work with me for May Function day, which is my favorite day of the work year. Rather than teach all day, we (and the students) go outside and have a carnival of sorts. Jolie was amazing all day. She truly is a happy baby. She was passed around like a hot potato and still happy as a clam. I loved spending my entire day with her. Only two weeks until EVERY DAY IS MAY DAY!


Eating, rolling, and jumping!

Sleeping through the night!

Hooray!!! After nearly a year of horrible sleep on my part, it appears that I will finally have the chance to sleep for eight solid hours!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jolie, the master of all things cute, is now also the master of sleep. She has slept through the night for the past three days. I sincerely hope that I am not jinxing it by typing this now!!

In other news, Jolie has also started solid foods (though they aren't very solid). She's an absolute doll. Check her out in her high chair! ALSO (lots of firsts here), Jolie can roll from her tummy to her back AND bounce in her jumperoo. WHEW, what an accomplished young lady.

Good night all. I will be dreaming sweet CONTINUOUS dreams tonight.


First Phillies Game

Root, root, root for the Phillies! That's just what Jolie did today. Jolie got decked out in her cute little Phillies dress, compliments of Tim and Edyta, and headed to the ballpark with mom and dad. It was the Mother's Day game, so mom got a free pink visor. What a trooper she was. Unlike the baby behind us, she didn't cry at all. We were so proud. She seemed to enjoy people watching more than game-watching, but that will come with age! Mom and dad shamelessly showed her off, hoping (in vain) that the Fantavision camera crew would realize that she is the cutest baby that ever was, and that they'd put her on the big screen. Jolie made it just about 8 innings, and then conked out. She did get a certificate signed by Charlie Manual himself recording this momemtous event before she fell asleep! It was a day that mom and dad will never forget.


4 Month Stats

27 inches (95% percentile)
14 lbs 10 oz (75% percentile)