
Mommy's back to work

Well, the day has finally arrived: I had to return to work. I had a decent day, although I am now referred to as Bessie the Dairy Mom due to my constant (seemingly) trips to the nurse's office to express milk for my little Jolie. Jolie's first day without mom was a fussy one with very little sleep. Grandmom did report that Jolie "played" for about 40 minutes under her mobile, on her changing table, and her play mat.

The train crew was thrilled to see photos of Jolie, as were my students. It was nice to be back in the working world, but I did miss Joelle dearly, to the point of crying on the train on the way home. Stupid 1 1/2 hour commute!!! Today definitely has me rethinking my role as a volleyball coach. We'll see what happens...

Presidents' Day weekend is coming soon, as is spring break, so this transition back shouldn't be too bad. Hopefully Jolie agrees. I know that the grandmas are glad I'm back to work!!!


Anna Banana said...

I know it's tough but you're a great mom. Plus you'll have the whole summer just the two of you! I'm jealous. :-)

auntjude said...

Matt and Annie-she's a cutie pie! She'll soon be playing in the sand at the beach.

momanddadf said...

Hey there, Annie. Thanks so much for sharing your highlights with little Jolie. She sure looks adorable and very very happy to have you and Matt as her parents. I am so envious of your mom and dad and cannot wait until Wes and Ashley have their baby in May (or June-as the case may be...)Keep it coming! Can't wait to see her!Love, Aunt Mary