

Well, it's official. Jolie is no longer the only grandchild. Her cousins have arrived, exactly 3 months after Jolie! Finally, girls rule the Dampf family! The new-comers are Ilsa and Ingrid. Jolie was so excited when she heard the news! Look at her reaction: She's full of giggles. She can't wait to meet the little peanuts (nor can I!)

In other, not nearly as exciting, news (but still exciting), I have off from work this week, so Joelle and I have been having a blast. We took a 2 1 /2 hour walk on Monday. We went all the way to the Keswick theater and back, taking a pit stop at a produce market and the bank. Tuesday we spent the morning at the mall shopping for daddy's birthday present. Again, we took a pit stop at baby gap where Jolie spent her holiday money (thanks, grandmas) on a bathing suit and a new toy (Danny the Duck, friend to Ricky the Monkey). Jolie picked out both. I held up a suit at a time, and Jolie's reaction to this one was priceless. Same with the duck. Oooh, I'm so excited to have a little one to shop for. I must say, I have been VERY good about shopping. So far this has been the only frivolous purchase, and even still, it will be used all summer when we will spend our days at the pool!

Tomorrow we resume our exciting spring break with a visit to Great-grandma Horwedel. It should be fun for all parties involved. Before we go there, I'm hoping to get the grocery shopping done with Jolie in the baby bjorn. We'll see how that works out...

Finally, our new camera arrived. Matt and I lost our little digital camera about a month ago, which has been awful. In that month, Jolie has really been doling out the charm, and we've captured none of it on film. Alas, we have a new camera and about 150 pictures from today to make up for it. The camera is a much better one than what we had before: professional grade. I have to do a lot of reading to really figure this one out, but so far, I've turned out some decent pictures.

Well, I'm off to grade a few papers. The job never ends. (Well, except in July. I do nothing that month!)

1 comment:

Anna Banana said...

The cousins can't wait to meet her either! Hopefully after their original due date we can take them out and they can meet! I can't wait to see their reaction. Cute as ever those pictures...