
First Phillies Game

Root, root, root for the Phillies! That's just what Jolie did today. Jolie got decked out in her cute little Phillies dress, compliments of Tim and Edyta, and headed to the ballpark with mom and dad. It was the Mother's Day game, so mom got a free pink visor. What a trooper she was. Unlike the baby behind us, she didn't cry at all. We were so proud. She seemed to enjoy people watching more than game-watching, but that will come with age! Mom and dad shamelessly showed her off, hoping (in vain) that the Fantavision camera crew would realize that she is the cutest baby that ever was, and that they'd put her on the big screen. Jolie made it just about 8 innings, and then conked out. She did get a certificate signed by Charlie Manual himself recording this momemtous event before she fell asleep! It was a day that mom and dad will never forget.

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