
Creepy Crawler

It's official: For about a week now, Jolie has actually been crawling! For the last 2 months, she has been struggling to crawl. She has been practicing her yoga to strengthen her arms, and scooching her way around the house military style. Now, all of that is a thing of the past. Check it out yourself:

Joelle crawls to Kitten from Matthew Dampf on Vimeo.

Also, Jolie is sporting two teeth. She's reluctant to show them off, so you'll have to wait for the picture.


Ella Bella Pie said...

That video is amazing! Love to see her on the move - her legs are sooo strong! Can't wait to see the toofers.

Larsica said...

What a cutie-patootie. I love the video, she is a really good little crawler! And the leg kicks at the end are so funny.

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, even though I saw her crawl in person the other day.

Christy Gutt said...

Kitten's life just got difficult! Love the kicks at the end!